The Ultimate Podcast Launch Checklist for Coaches

How do you rise above the noise and establish yourself as a thought leader in your niche as a coach? Enter the magic of podcasting—a powerful tool for connecting with potential clients, sharing your expertise, and building a loyal following.

However, launching a podcast can be an overwhelming endeavour. To help you get started, we put together a comprehensive checklist coaches can use as a roadmap to a successful podcast launch — from brainstorming captivating content to mastering the technical aspects and amplifying your reach.

Why should you launch a podcast?

Coach recording a podcast episode with a good podcast mic, podcast equipment,  and podcast editing software

Starting a podcast can launch your coaching content to new heights, giving you a bunch of benefits:

A successful podcast helps coaches reach a wider audience

Podcasts are a convenient and accessible format. Potential coaching clients can listen while commuting, exercising, or even while doing chores. This allows coaches to reach a broader audience aside from the audience they reach via traditional blog posts or webinars, which require dedicated time.

Having your own podcast builds authority and credibility

Regularly releasing valuable content positions coaches as thought leaders in their niche. Podcast episodes allow in-depth discussions and nuanced exploration of specific topics, showcasing expertise more effectively than ads, emails, or short-written pieces.

Most successful podcasts create deeper client connections

Podcasts foster a more personal connection with potential clients. The audio format allows coaches to inject personality and passion into their message, creating a sense of trust and relatability that text-based content can’t consistently achieve. Additionally, the rise of video podcasts now enables coaches to upload videos aside from audio files—some coaching clients prefer putting faces to voices.

It paves the way for content repurposing

Podcast episodes can be repurposed into other content formats, such as blog posts, social media snippets, or even video snippets with key points, maximizing the value of the content created.

There is improved engagement with potential and existing coaching clients

Having multiple podcasts allow for interactive elements, such as listener Q&A sessions or interviews with other coaches or with multiple podcast guests. These foster engagement and keep listeners coming back for more.

It is a way to earn passive income potential

While the primary benefit isn’t financial, established podcasts can attract sponsorships or premium content subscriptions, generating additional income streams for coaches.

What must you consider when launching a podcast?

Coaching client listening to new episodes of a popular podcast

To ensure you maximize your podcast’s engagement and retention, you’ll need to take these essential steps:

1. Define your niche and target audience

Niche: What specific coaching area do you specialize in (e.g., life, career, relationship coaching)? Conduct an inventory so you can also finalize your podcast theme and podcast content.

Target audience: Who are you trying to reach (e.g., busy professionals, entrepreneurs, millennials)? Understanding their needs and challenges is crucial because you have to really go deep and understand the podcast topic that will resonate with your target coaching audience.

2. Craft your compelling podcast concept

Show title: Choose a catchy and memorable podcast title that reflects your niche and target audience. This can be the hardest part—you don’t want an overly complicated title that will be hard to remember. But you also don’t want a super simple title that it’s forgettable and too basic.

Podcast format: Solo episodes, interviews, Q&A sessions, or a mix? Decide on the format that aligns with your strengths and content goals. Take note that it can be combination or a mixture. As long as it’s what works for your audience. Make sure your podcast artwork also reflects the overall theme.

Content pillars: Identify critical themes and topics you plan to cover so you can provide consistent value to your podcast listeners.

Podcast episode length: Aim for a sweet spot that caters to listener attention spans, which is typically 20 to 60 minutes.

3. Gear up for recording

Coach in a home podcast studio to record audio for their first podcast to be submitted on podcast platforms

Microphone: Invest in a decent microphone for clear audio quality. Even though a podcast app can edit the final output, it will be much more efficient if the raw audio files are already of good quality.

Recording software: Choose user-friendly podcast software for recording and basic editing (e.g., Audacity, GarageBand).

Headphones: This is essential for monitoring audio file quality during recording.

Recording space: Find a quiet, well-lit space with minimal background noise.

4. Plan and prep your content

Episode outlines: Create detailed outlines for each podcast episode, ensuring a structured flow and addressing listener pain points.

Guest research (if applicable): If you are planning on doing interviews, research your guests thoroughly and prepare relevant questions.

Intros and outros: Use your podcast title, website, and social media handles to craft engaging intros and outros. There are many AI tools you can explore these days that can help you come up with initial drafts of intro music or even intro music with overlapping narration. On the other hand, a lot of coaches head to outsourcing sites to hire audio engineers for their very own custom intro and outro.

5. Embrace the power of editing

Editing software: Utilize editing software to remove background noise, smooth transitions, and add podcast intro/outro segments.

Music and sound effects (optional): Use royalty-free music and sound effects to enhance the listening experience for your clients. Listening to a podcast recording can be an educational and enlightening experience for your coaching clients.

6. Find your hosting service and platform

Research: Explore different podcast hosting platforms that meet your needs and budget.

Upload and optimize: Upload your episodes, add podcast descriptions, episode art, show notes, and relevant keywords for discoverability.

7. Spread the word to amplify your reach

Website: You can create a dedicated podcast page on your website with episode descriptions, show notes, and subscription links. You can also set up a pop-up so that when new visitors discover your website, they also get information about your podcast.

Social media: Promote your podcast and every new episode on relevant social media platforms, engage with potential listeners, and share teasers.

Networking: Promote your podcast within your coaching network and collaborate with other coaches for guest appearances.

Submission to directories: Submit your podcast to major podcast directories like Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify. One thing to consider when choosing where to submit your first podcast is where your target audience is.

Bonus tip: Be consistent and patient!

Launching a successful podcast takes time and dedication. Commit to a regular release schedule, be patient with audience growth, and consistently deliver high-quality content that empowers your listeners.

By following this checklist and staying passionate about your message, you’ll be well on your way to establishing a thriving podcast that expands your coaching reach and impact. Start with the first episode, and see how you feel about creating a next episode.

What are the best practices for launching and maintaining a successful podcast?

Coach studying how to go about podcast recording, podcast hosting, and audio editing


  • Concept and niche: Define your niche and target audience to tailor content that resonates with their needs and challenges.
  • Compelling format: Choose a podcast format (solo, interviews, Q&A) that aligns with your strengths and content goals.
  • Content pillars: Establish critical themes and topics that provide consistent value and build a loyal listener base for your very own podcast.


  • Quality audio: Invest in a decent microphone, podcasting equipment, external audio recording device, and a quiet recording space for clear and professional sound quality.
  • Planning and scripting: Create detailed outlines or scripts for each episode to ensure a structured flow and address audience pain points.
  • Editing magic: Utilize podcast editing software to remove background noise, smoothen transitions, and add intros/outros for a polished listening experience.

Launch and distribution:

  • Find your hosting platform: Research and choose a reliable podcast hosting platform that meets your needs and budget.
  • Optimize for discovery: Craft compelling titles, descriptions, and episode art that utilize relevant keywords for better directory searchability.
  • Spread the word: Leverage your website, social media accounts and platforms, and coaching network to promote your podcast and engage with potential listeners. Create a whole marketing campaign when you launch your very first episode.
  • Submit to directories: Increase discoverability by submitting your podcast to major podcast directories like Apple Podcasts and Spotify so regular podcast listeners can easily find your podcast.

Maintaining momentum:

  • Consistency is key: Establish a regular release schedule and stick to it. Consistency builds trust and keeps podcast listeners coming back for more.
  • Content quality matters: Continuously deliver high-quality episodes that educate, inspire, and empower your audience.
  • Engage your listeners: Respond to comments, answer questions, and host listener Q&A sessions to foster a sense of community.
  • Embrace analytics: Use podcast analytics tools to track listener demographics and episode performance, and identify areas for improvement.
  • Network and collaborate: Connect with other coaches, collaborate on guest appearances, and explore cross-promotion opportunities so you can stand out among other podcasts in your niche.

Bonus tips:

How much does it usually cost to launch a podcast?

Podcast editor working on an audio interface, busy with refining an audio file, inserting proper podcast intro and reviewing podcast recording

The cost of launching and maintaining a podcast series can vary greatly depending on the level of professionalism you aim for and the resources you already have. Here’s a quick and rough breakdown of the cost spectrum:

Hobbyist level (under $100 to $350):

This is a great starting point for coaches experimenting with podcasting. Essential costs include:

  • Microphone: You can find a basic USB microphone for under $50.
  • Recording software: Free options like Audacity or GarageBand are available.
  • Hosting platform: Free plans with limited storage and features might be sufficient for beginners

Side-gig level ($500 to $1,000+ per year):

This level focuses on improved audio quality and audience growth. Costs may include:

  • Microphone and other podcast equipment: A better quality USB microphone ($100 to $200)
  • Editing software: Consider paid editing software with more advanced features (subscriptions range from $10 to $30 monthly).
  • Hosting platform: Paid plans with better storage, analytics, and audience engagement features (monthly subscriptions range from $10 to $50).
  • Music and sound effects (optional): Royalty-free monthly subscriptions cost around $10 to $20.

Professional level ($5,000+ per year):

This level prioritises high production quality and a wider reach. Costs can include all of the above, plus:

  • Professional editing services: Hiring an editor can cost around $50 to $100 per episode.
  • Intro/Outro music creation: Custom music can range from $100 to $500.
  • Marketing and promotion: Budget for social media advertising or podcast promotion services.


  • These are estimates, and actual costs may vary.
  • You can always upgrade equipment and services as your podcast grows.
  • Free resources like online tutorials and communities can help you learn and save money.

Additional factors to consider:

  • Length of episodes: Longer episodes might require more editing time or storage space.
  • Guest appearances: Interviewing remote guests might require additional recording software.
  • Website and branding: Developing a dedicated podcast website can add costs.

What are some top recommended podcast hosting platforms?

Choosing the right podcast hosting platform in the podcast world is crucial for coaches launching their shows. Here are some top recommendations, catering to different needs and budgets:

Beginner-friendly platforms:

  • Buzzsprout: A user-friendly platform with a free plan that allows basic hosting and analytics. Perfect for coaches starting on a budget.
  • Spotify for Podcasters: A free hosting platform with easy-to-use recording and editing tools. Great for coaches who want to experiment with podcasting without upfront costs.

Mid-range platforms:

  • Podbean: Offers a good balance of features and affordability. Paid plans provide more storage, detailed analytics, and monetization options.
  • Transistor: Known for its clean interface and excellent customer support. Ideal for coaches who value user experience and want a reliable platform.

Advanced platforms:

  • Libsyn: A popular and well-established platform used by many professional podcasters. It offers a wide range of features, including advanced analytics, monetisation tools, and integrations with marketing platforms.
  • Captivate: This service caters specifically to podcasters looking to grow their audience. It offers features like social media scheduling tools, video podcasting capabilities, and advanced analytics.

Here are some additional factors to consider when choosing a platform:

  • Storage space: How much storage do you need for your current and future episodes?
  • Bandwidth: This affects how smoothly your podcast streams for listeners.
  • Analytics: Does the platform offer detailed analytics to track your podcast’s performance?
  • Monetisation options: Are you interested in monetising your podcast through sponsorships or subscriptions? If so, consider platforms that offer built-in monetisation tools.
  • Integration with other tools: Does the platform integrate with your website, CRM, or email marketing tools for a streamlined workflow?


  • Research and compare different platforms before making a decision.
  • Many platforms offer free trials, so you can test them and see which suits you best.
  • Your needs may evolve as your podcast grows, so consider scalability when choosing a platform.

Launching a podcast is the next big step your coaching content should take

Image of many coaching clients outdoors listening to multiple episodes of a podcast hosted by a coach

Podcasts can bring your coaching content to a broader audience, improve client engagement, and give you an extra income source. However, it’s important to remember that launching and maintaining a successful podcast will require careful content planning, audience research, and patience (and, of course, investment in the right equipment).

Launching a podcast is just one of the many ways you can boost your coaching business. If you want to start a podcast and learn more about improving and simplifying your coaching business, check out our platform, built for coaches—by coaches.

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