Help coaches and leaders grow their businesses

And make great recurring income at the same time

“Why is this one of the best ways you can make more money for you and your business…”

We plan on paying out over $1,000,000 worth of affiliate commissions this year, want to get in on the action?

upcoach affiliate program can help you earn a 30% recurring commission (that’s every month) for every new sign-up.

Why will your friends, clients, and followers love upcoach?


Courses, to-do's, interactive worksheets, client management, groups, discussion & community forums, and everything else all in one place.

Built for coaching

A coaching program, cohort-based group, or mentoring demands more than just a course, upcoach helps you wow clients with real results, encouragement & support.

Get started fast

Because upcoach was built by a 24-year veteran and award-winning coach, there are templates waiting to get started, and your system is simple to set up.

Get your upcoach affiliate income stream flowing in 3 simple steps

Step 1

Sign up

Anyone can join the upcoach affiliate program. Seriously, you don’t even need to be an upcoach customer to promote us.

But to be a successful affiliate, you must:

"I love upcoach and I love their affiliate program! It’s such an easy win to share it with others and add it into our resource list for clients."
Taki Moore

Step 2

Share with your audience​

To earn that sweet recurring commission, all you need to do is start sharing the custom link we send you in all the right places. But we want you to be a really successful affiliate. That’s why we also hook you up with helpful resources including:

Step 3

Earn! And continue earning

We send you a 30% commission for every person who signs up to upcoach through your affiliate link. 

But it’s not just a one-time payment when they sign up. That 30% commission will be credited to your PayPal account every month for up to 24 months, or as long as their upcoach account remains active.

How much could you earn?​


Join our mission to help coaches, mentors, and leaders build thriving businesses, without all the chaos and headaches

Earn tremendous recurring income with the upcoach affiliate program! 

Not only will you be earning extra money for you, your family, and help fund your own growth. You’re also helping other coaches and leaders just like you do the same, by connecting your audience with upcoach you’re helping them grow their client and student list and impact the world in a positive way.

So help us be a driving force to help change the world through the power of amazing coaching programs, led by very happy and stress-free coaches.

Frequently Asked Questions​

If you’ve got more questions, we’ve got the answers to the most common one’s below:

Is the affiliate program open to everyone?

Yes yes! You can make upcoach completely customized with your logo, your brand colors, and your custom domain.

When & how will I get paid?

Your commissions are paid every 30 days via PayPal, on the 7th of every month. During big launch promotions, we’ll add a 15 day grace period which serves as extra time to account for—and protect all parties from—refunds.

How are orders tracked and credited to me?

When you use your custom affiliate link, anyone that clicks on that link will have a tiny code attributed to them called a ‘cookie’ which tells our system you sent this person our way. Every time a user comes to us via your links, we know to credit you when a customer purchase is made.

Do you have online reporting?

Yes. Once you have been accepted into the program, you will be given access to your Affiliate Partner Tracking and Reporting Interface. You will be able to view your earnings and traffic reports at any time. These reports not only show you what you earn, but they also show you how many people clicked on your links, and the number of people that converted into paying clients of upcoach. All of this helps you to maximize your earning potential.

What are the affiliate terms + conditions?
Do you provide any help with referrals?

Absolutely. Our affiliate partner support team will answer questions, provide training, and offer ongoing marketing support. We also provide resources and co-branded promotional materials that you can access via your dashboard or affiliate partner support team.

How long is your cookie life?

We currently offer a 60-day cookie life. This means when someone clicks on your affiliate link, if they purchase over the next 60 days (without clicking someone else’s link), you’ll get credited with the sale.

Have more questions?

Email: [email protected] and add ‘Affiliate support’ in the subject line, if you have any questions we haven’t answered here.

Apply now to earn compounding recurring income, and promote the new leading business building platform for coaches, mentors, leaders!​