Coaching ToolsComparisonGroup coaching

Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks vs. upcoach: Detailed comparison

An in-depth comparison of the pros and cons of Kajabi and Mighty Networks. Both are well-known online course platforms, but which one is better…

Coaching ToolsComparison

Podia vs Teachable: Detailed comparison + alternatives

We did an in-depth analysis of the pros and cons of both platforms , and included upcoach – which offers key functionalities where both of these platforms fall short.

Coaching ToolsComparison

Kajabi Vs Podia vs upcoach: How They Compare [2022]

Podia and Kajabi are both popular online course platforms with similar features and structures.  However, they are good for different use cases and scenarios, due to nuanced differences…

Coaching ToolsComparison

Teachable vs Kajabi vs upcoach – Best all in one course platform

Kajabi and Teachable are popular course platforms that enable coaches to store their video courses and offer basic functions to …